Thursday, June 25, 2015

365 project | week 25

This week:
170 | Her new hair tuck habit
171 | Bed time, my favourite place
172 | Watching the clouds turn pink
173 | Party at our house. This is the only partying I do these days.
174 | Cold beach walk
175 | Bubble-chasing faces
176 | Good morning Stanmore Bay!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

365 project | week 24

This week:
163 | Sunshower at the playground
164 | Ladybug
165 | Climbers
166 | Post-nap goofs
167 | Milky
168 | Found a stick
169 | Supermarket buddies

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Little Alice settling in to the family routine perfectly. I always loved having a big brother and it looks like these guys are going to get along perfectly.  And her hair... the most stunning colour x

Sunday, June 14, 2015

365 project | week 23

This week:
156 | Aeroplane and pink cloud
157 | Spa time
158 | Daddy's home! Morning Orewa walk
159 | Monday beach picnic
160 | Spying a neighbours cat on our fence
161 | Waiata after my mihi for our Playhouse Whare opening day at Playcentre
162 | Pakiri mini-holiday