Thursday, August 7, 2014

New website

I am so happy to have finally launched my new website! I had so many ideas during the process, but in the end just stuck with something very simple. I thought it was more important to actually get it finished than worry about all the design details I had been imagining. Plus I probably would have had to spend money to make those details realised. In the end I was able to do the majority of the site myself with help from my husband to make it go live. 
I have included my social media links at the bottom of the site, but other than Facebook, I'm not very good at updating them.

My Instagram is fairly new, and fairly consistent subject-wise. Either photos of my son or daughter, or both, or silly selfies, or scenery. They are not great photos... but I love them anyway! Feel free to follow my Instagram adventures with my little family.

My Twitter is one of those things I always mean to do, but never have. I still mean to use it more... so will endeavour to from now on. If you're on twitter I would love to hear from you!

My Pinterest boards display my obsession for home decor, especially kids stuff. There's some photography and random things on there too though, so follow the boards if they appeal to you.

I will try and update the galleries with new photos, but this blog is still where all the exciting stuff happens! Keep checking back here for my most recent shoots and to look through all my session archives.